Wednesday, October 7, 2015

WA Labs Can't Check for Pesticides

In an effort to ease the minds of concerned cannabis consumers the state of Washington is creating a new seal that you might find on your bag of weed in the near future. 

The seal will reflect the fact that the cannabis on which it is affixed has been handled by employees at farms and processing facilities that have received special training and undergone inspections to ensure pesticides are not present.

Here is a quote from an article in The Columbian:

"The state’s recreational-pot rules require testing for mold, microbes and other foreign matter. But they do not mandate pesticide testing because it can be expensive and complex and none of the state’s certified labs has that capacity."

Link to Columbian Article Here.

The fact that they do not mandate pesticide testing is interesting. The reasoning behind it is odd as well. 

One thing that comes to mind is the wine industry. I've heard of organic wine, but you can't spray chemicals on wine grapes. The dust on the grape contains the yeast that helps with fermentation. 

So if you spray your grapes, then use the dust, you create a yucky wine that nobody wants to drink. 

The same thing can be said about cannabis. 

I would imagine many people would direct me to markets of less distinguishing tastes, like the Coors Light and other cheap alcohol markets. Those products are made with corn, and we all know corn has been genetically modified to tolerate chemical saturation. (See Roundup Ready Corn Info Here

Go on a tour of a cannabis farm today, go on a tour of several different cannabis farms. Look around, look at their processes and procedures. 

Tour a processing facility.

Learn as much as you can about the people who grow and handle your cannabis.

One slightly positive thing about the Columbian Article is when the Washington health department policy counsel Kristi Weeks said 

"labs can’t test for all unapproved pesticides, so they’ll be initially asked to look for unapproved pesticides that are most likely to be abused, she said. Over time, the state will expand the list of chemicals."

So while it sounds like it is pretty bad right now, the seal might actually mean something in the near future. 

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