It makes one wonder if the "legalization" measure was rejected because voters are anti-pot, or opposed to measures that create government supported monopolies.
The people opposed to canna-monopolies might have had an impact on the result. In a Yahoo News Article the counter-campaign is mentioned:
a counter campaign against a network of 10 exclusive growing sites it would have created. It was the only marijuana legalization question on the 2015 statewide ballots.
I know the people of Washington are pretty upset at the way the corporate funded business-friendly law-creation has effected patients. Since Washington's version of "legalization" people who used to be able to grow 15 plants have had that limit reduced to 4.
Here are some words from Rachel La Corte and Gene Johnson writing for The Cannabist regarding Washington states version of legalization 502, and the subsequent 5052.
Washington's version of "legalization" was kind of like a step backwards for patients. Word spread to activists in other states to watch out for corporate backed law changes that seek to increase profits at whatever cost to stakeholders.
So Ohio voted no on "legalization" I wonder what would have happened if the people of Ohio had a chance to vote on Real Legalization?
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