I recently spoke with Rhonda Agard about her path from a life without cannabis, to a life with cannabis.
You can see why she is looking forward to wearing a safer shirt.
Rhonda Agard
ty ty ty I had my dilaudid pump removed thanks to cannabis
Rhonda Agard
yes sir no more pharmaceuticals it has been a yr and a half thanks to cannabis and I am a retired nurse
Rhonda Agard
Just to my friends But I would stand up and tell anyone one who listens...All of my Doctors know...
Rhonda Agard
anytime my friend it is a very interesting story
by the grace of god the movement and my friends i am where i am today
it took me almost 2 yrs to walk talk again i broke my neck at c-2 i have under gone 21 surgeries..My doctors took bets that i would be crawling back to them in less than 2 weeks after they removed the pump wanting pain meds...They lost that bet
I no longer have seizures very few migraines and i am able to control my pain all thanks to cannabis
Rhonda Agard
med plz
I never smoked cannabis until 3 yrs ago i thought it was a gateway drug...
I am walking talking proof that cannabis works far better than any pain meds that those legal drug pushers use

So cool and I'm so happy for Rhonda for not having to go through the agony of periodic surgical refills.