Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mondo Granola Bars

I love Mondo Granola Bars. They come medicated with just the right amount of THC from Blue Dream and other wonderful strains.

I'm in the process of getting an ad on using Google Adsense, but I'm having some difficulties right now.

Here is the animated gif I was trying to use for the ad

I might need to change it to get around certain filters or something.

We'll see.

I've also figured out ways to put ads in the middle of stories now, so there are ad impressions when people read the article on their mobile device.

This should lead to increased revenue which will allow me to make more supplies and mail them out to low-income activists around the world.

Thank you to everyone who has helped with Safer Shirts over the years.

There are many exciting things to look forward to in the Safer Future.

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