Wednesday, September 3, 2014

100,000 "Likes" in 15 hours

I mailed a Safer Shirt to Coral Reefer a while ago and she has been doing a great job spreading the message wearing it in public and in photos and videos on her websites and social networking.

Recently Cannabis Now Magazine showed a picture of Coral Reefer wearing her Safer Shirt and it received over 100,000 "Likes" in 15 hours.

I am very happy to see that this message is being seen by lots of people.

It is very important.

Ever since I read the book Marijuana is Safer so why are we Driving People to Drink by Steve Fox, Paul Armentano, Mason Tvert, with foreword by retired Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper I've been trying to spread this message.

Here is a link to the Coral Reefer picture where it appears on Cannabis Now Magazine's Facebook page:

I'm saving this screenshot to remember the 100,000 in 15 hours.

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