Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lack Capital

Are you learning how to do something that robots do better. You will not be profitable. Your competition will get robots and eat you for breakfast. Learning how to do things the old fashioned way for fun is fine, but know this, you are pretty damn lucky to be in such a position where you feel like this is an okay way to spend your time.

Part of the reason why I make stuff with stencils is because I do not have a screenprinting machine in my apartment/house. I can not afford a screenprinting machine, I need to make shirts now, so I sacrifice and do things the slow old fashioned way. I used to print onto iron on fabric, cut out letters, iron them in place, then sew around the edges of each letter by hand. That is obviously way too time consuming, and so I moved on to slightly faster methods.

It really is quite foolish, but I lack capital (machines that help me). By learning how to do this without capital and sharing what I have learned I believe I may have empowered others who lack capital.
I always feel like things are overpriced and salesmen are all out to screw me. This is why I feel it is so important to DIY. I just wish I could DIY with modern equipment and spend less time making shirts and more time hanging out with friends and family.
I Lack Capital, I don't have machines like the one in this photo
Of course, none of this really matters. All human needs will be granted for free by robots in the near future. Robots will give us all free food and free shelter, still it is hard to watch people sometimes. It is hard to watch people as they learn how to do something the old fashioned way. It is hard to watch people learn how to do something that they may never do. They might just finish learning it, see how robots can do it, and choose not to do it ever.

People focus on the wrong things. People focus on how to make money when they should be learning how to provide food and shelter for the people around them. Money making is about to go away. When making money goes away, traditional methods of taking care of ourselves go away. We need new methods for a moneyless future. This is what we should be focusing on now. How do we get free food and shelter to everyone? I think empowering communities with open source DIY automated green houses might work.

Open Source Farming 1

Open Source Farming 2

Open Source Farming 3

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