Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cannabis for lupus, fibro, raynauds

In 2005 I was diagnosed with lupus, fibro, raynauds and numerous other snowball diseases.

I went to Dr Greg carter in Centralia and was given my authorization for medical cannabis. 

In October of 2012 I weighed around 140 pounds, I suddenly started losing weight rapidly, by the end of December i was down to 86 pounds. 

Doctors learned my lupus attacked my pancreas causing pancreatic failure, my pancreas stopped producing enzymes, causing severe malabsorbtion. Dec 20th I had surgery to insert j tube which malfunctioned two days later and had another surgery to remove j tube and insert a gastric tube instead.

During my stay at St. Josephs hospital I had many people donate to me medications that would make me hungry and gain weight. 

I was brought meds, oil, and salve from One generous donor, while another collected medibles, RSO, and candies, as well as flower and the famous almond peanut butter. Donations came from all over, several different safe access points brought me free cannabis based medicines. 

I am forever thankful for this community, you all supported me 100%. With positive vibes, prayers and cannabis. I was originally told I would be on this feeder for 8 months to a year. I said no I will be on it maybe half that time, well its been just over 4 months and cannabis daily, I'm now 10 days off my feeder, I went from 86 pounds to 111 and if I'm still holding weight by May 13th they will order the g tube to be removed 
  now I need a munchies saves lives as that's exactly what happened to me, I ate a medible, I got the munchies, I pigged out. Cannabis is amazing, cannabis saved my life. 

I owe a huge thank you to all who have helped and followed me. Cannabis cures.

I am a true believer here.


  1. Today I learned I'm 116 pounds. Port is severely infected, see surgeon wends day for urgent surgery to have this port removed. My fight is almost over and took 8 months to a year therapy into just 5 months:-) :-) :-) :-)
