Saturday, January 9, 2016

Lance Gloor Court Support in Tacoma WA

Kristin Flor brought this to my attention if you live in or near Tacoma please go to show support. If you have any friends who live in or near Tacoma, tell them to show up to show support. Thank you. Go to the Courthouse in Tacoma.
The address is 1717 Pacific Ave Courtroom B.

Add this event to your calendar



Kristin Flor Said this:

Please show up and support Lance's trial Mon, Tues, and possibly Wednesday!

Lance Gloor said this: 

Thank u for coming to my trial yesterday Heather Hale. Jason Fletcher, Kristin Flor,Lynn Pike, Catrina Pike, Tracie Gloor-Pike, Dallas Hardy, Brittani Mckinney, Miguel Miggy, Grind AndHustle, Randy Castle, Donna Wilson,Andy Goelzer, my grandparents (no Facebook) and a few others without Facebook

This case is already making history as it is the first and only federal medical marijuana trial to ever happen in the United States federal court room , the prosecutors and judge and jury all are aware that this case is all and only about medical mj and are presenting the case as a medical case the Feds have marijuana as a schedule 1 drug with no medical benefits so it is unique and will set guidelines and set precedence for future prosecutions of others in the medical marijuana industry....this case is not just about me it's about the whole medical industry every single patient and provider.

I am accused of breaking no state medical mj laws all stores were state and city/county liscensed and sales tax paid to the state of Washington irs and employees were paid via a accountant that provided pay checks with withholdings taken out as well as the stores had bank accounts and credit/ debit card machines with Wells Fargo and Bank of America and a federal credit union and cash machines

You all are very important to me and I really appreciate that you guys would come and support me and watch this bullshit federal trial and watch people testifying against me , some truthful and some lies ...

If you could please post in this link what u saw or experienced in your own words in the courtroom about the evidence and testimonies the Feds showed the jury...I would appreciate everyone's honest opinion good or bad .
What do u think the jury is thinking as they sit there and listen to the Federal prosecutors and dea witnesses as well as federal narcs that testified that most of u all knew personally....
This will serve as a update to everyone who hasn't been able to make it to the trial yet to watch it....

Also I will be posting a link to an amazing article by a reporter that was written after court yesterday (later today or tomorrow)

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