Friday, December 18, 2015

WA Marijuana Patients Unhappy With Representative Goodman

Roger Goodman has been saying the right things when it comes to cannabis. He is a lawmaker in Washington state and he believes that in many ways marijuana prohibition is not accomplishing its intended goals of improving society, and is in fact hurting society in many ways.

Sarena Haskins created Washington Farmers Markets in Thurston county that many medical marijuana patients have found to be better than dispensaries.

A medical marijuana farmers market is a lot like a bunch of tiny dispensaries standing shoulder to shoulder. The patient walks through, talks to all of the dispensaries, and finds the one with the herbs that work best considering their condition/s.

Sarena Haskins has worked closely with Roger Goodman over the years to make it easier for patients who need medical marijuana to find the strain they need at an affordable price. Now she is wondering why he didn't put up more of a fight when it came down to the elimination of farmers markets from Washington.

Medical Marijuana Farmers markets are now illegal in Washington state. Roger Goodman is a Lawmaker in Washington state. How much effort did Goodman put into discussing farmers markets with fellow lawmakers?

Sarena Haskins believes that Goodman did little to keep farmers markets alive. She may have good reason to.

It seems lawmakers are just rolling over at the possibility of granting political donors a monopoly.

Here is what Sarena said on her Facebook page:

Roger Goodman
WHY aren't you using your voice to bring awareness to the huge changes that are falling our patients medical program? YOU yourself promised PATIENTS that these changes wouldn't happen to us... you came and took our donations and our words of honesty and our desire to support LOCAL quality organic farmers... were we just used?????? 2016 "Let Our People Grow" campaign under way!!

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