Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I've made and given away a lot of shirts, to a lot of cool people. These people are fighting a hard battle. The battle against ignorance. When people who have been brainwashed to believe cannabis consumers need to be "saved from themselves" they react inappropriately when confronted with the truth of the "marijuana is safer" message. One of my friends who got a safer shirt was spreading the truth in Chicago when her employer discovered something. My friend was investigated, but all "drug" charges were dropped. They still forced her to quit her job. Here is the text message I received from my friend:

Hangin in there. I was made to resign (so they didn't dismiss me
and steal my teaching certificate), even though all "drug" charges were dropped. 
$75,000 per year...GONE!
Rough stuff but we are fighters and they will NEVER hold me down.
It's just making me fight harder. 

We are going to have to add "cannabis consumers are people too" to Chicago's Labor History Map.
Thanks for checking out Safer Shirts. Please Tell your friends about safershirts.com 

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